Commission horse's colorings
Here you can find information about fabrics, markings, shadings...
Included into the horse's price, makes no extra price
- hard fabric
- pile ~ 3mm
- Some are longer, pile ~ 5mm. If one is longer, it's mentioned in color captions.


Natural white

Light grey


Grey (longer)


Black (longer)

Warm brown


Brown (longer)
Reddish dark brown

Warm beige
Pale beige

Dark brown
Shadings, markings, blue eyes, spots and other colorings
Shadings, lightenings, pink nose
Included into the horse's price, makes no extra price
- I like to do shadings, because they make a bit of realistic vibe to the horse
- Can fade if brushed
- Please give proper descriptions about the location and amount of shadings!

Light brown and light grey lightenings

Grey shadings and a bit of pink in the nose

Pink nose
Spots and dapples
+20-80€ extra price depending on the amount of the spots and dapples
- Can fade if brushed
- Please give proper descriptions about the location and amount of spots and dapples!


Special spot coloring

Dapple grey
Sewed on -markings
Included into horse's price, makes no extra price

A star and a nose spot
A shooting star and a nose spot
A nose spot
Larger, inlaid markings
+20 - 50€ extra price depending on the amount of sewing and size
- Can cross the seam of the middle piece and the side piece
- Model picture!

White head, other ear white

Very complicated marking

Large, complicated blaze
Pied and odd-coloured
+40 - 150€ extra price, depending on the amount of sewing and the largeness
- ALWAYS a model picture!